Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Art of Improvisation

The other day, I had made these Brownie Roll-Out Cookies from my favorite blog. They were fine, but for a chocolate cookie - with nothing really going for it other than the shape by which it was cut - I thought it was a lot of work. All that rolling, and flour, and dirty counter space. Too much for just a plain chocolate cookie. I had made two batches, because I was afraid I wouldn't have enough. But then when I started baking, and had to keep rolling, I found I had plenty, and there was no way I was going to keep rolling just to use up the dough and bake off all the cookies. So, I improvised. I took the remaining chunk of dough, and formed it into 2 logs, about 2 inches in diameter. I refrigerated them, and yesterday I had the occasion to bake them off as slice-and-bake cookies. Serendipitous, if you ask me. I had zippo time to make a batter and bake cookies, but I needed cookies. Absolutely could not show up to the game empty-handed. Well, slice-and-bake time. These baked perfectly as little disks, and to make them a bit different from the roll-out cookies from several days before, I sprinkled them with powdered sugar after they had cooled. Without all the rolling, these make for a perfectly delicious chocolate cookie. I won't roll them out again, but I will use the dough for the slice-and-bake method. Simple and tasty.

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