Friday, July 30, 2010

Life Is Good!

This week has been all about baseball, with a game every other night. Tonight, my son's team's 7-game winning streak came to and end. As painful as it was right at the end of the game, the kids bounced right back to their happy-go-lucky selves, chomping on the homemade oreos I made using this recipe for the cookies, and this one for the filling. Their smiles warm me up inside every time. The ability to look toward the light of the morning, the dawn of a new day, is what got this country out of many a dark spell. Hence the shot of the flag. It's an uplifting sight, especially on a beautiful evening, after a game played by healthy, growing boys with devoted fathers and mothers cheering them on. Call it luck, love, design, whatever you will. I call it a beautiful life.

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