Friday, August 5, 2011

If you can't make this, sell your kitchen.

We're all looking for easy, fresh, and healthful.  And why are we so amazed when we find it?  Are we still not over Julia Child?  Do we think cooking dinner means using every dish and pot in the cabinets?  No, no, no.  Easy lives and breathes.  Easy is waiting for us to stop running up and down the aisles in Trader Joe's and Stop and Shop - on the SAME day!  Easy does not think very highly of reduced sauces, or braised anything.  Easy is this dish.

Now, close your eyes, and recite the ingredients.  You've just seen them.  You can do it.  Eggs, basil, cherry tomatoes, and fresh mozzarella.  Oh - and I poured a little half and half on top, to keep the eggs from burning.  That is it my friends. 

Spray some Pam in the pan, then tumble your cubed cheese in there, along with the basil chiffonade, and the halved tomatoes.  Now, make some "wells" for the eggs (I made 8, and used a 9x13 pan), and crack them in there.  Pour about a half cup of half and half on top, sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper, and put in a 350-degree oven for about 15 mins.  Then put under the broiler for about 3 minutes. 

You're welcome.

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