Friday, August 5, 2011

The Pickle Post

In our farm share last week, is it any surprise that we got over a dozen cucumbers?  Of course not.  This is their season.  And I was waiting.  I wanted a whole lotta cukes, because I had plans.  Pickles!  So easy, and so give-able (you know I'm a food pusher).  Plus, pickles are a great way to pucker up to the heat of the summer.  You can't sweat when you eat a pickle.  If it's sour enough, all your pores will pucker! 

Here's what I did:

Quarter your cukes, and slice them so they'll fit in your Bell jars (I got a dozen for $12 at my local hardware store).  In each jar (Guess how many you can fill with your quartered cukes - I filled 6 pint-sized jars with about 10 cukes.), place a few sprigs of fresh dill, and one fat garlic clove, sliced.  In a medium saucepan, bring to a boil the following: 2 cups of cider vinegar, 1 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp kosher salt.  Boil for 2 mins.  Pour the hot liquid right on top of your cukes all tucked in tightly their jars.  Fill each jar to the tippy top.  Seal.  Cool on the counter for about a half hour, then refrigerate for at least 24 hours before crunching. 

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