Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Jam

How do you turn these beauties . . .

. . . into this pot of gold?

Of course I will share.  Too delicious not to.

Put 1 and 1/3 cups of sugar in a pot (An enameled cast iron, like this one - my fave Le Creuset pot - is good.).  Add 1/4 cup of water.  Bring to a boil, and as it bubbles, look for it to turn clear.  Once you see this clear syrup-y stage, add the fresh apricots - which you've halved, and pitted.  You'll need about 2 lbs of apricots (before pitting).  Stir occasionally, and sort of mush them with your spatula or spoon.  I don't recommend using a wood spoon, as the hot sugar liquid will pull flavor from it.  I used a silicone spatula.  Keep stirring and smooshing over a low flame for about 30 - 45 minutes.  The last 5 minutes of simmering, add 2 tbps of lemon juice.  Let cool for a few minutes before placing into your canning jars.  I filled 3 half-pint-size jars full to the rim, and a half of one for me.  Just for me!

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