Monday, September 12, 2011


Look what I did.  It was the kids' first Friday of the school year.  If it's Friday, during the school year, it's SnacKlub.  Each kid brings home whomever they like (11 kids in my little house this past week), and I have a new treat waiting for them all.  I can't believe it, but this is our third year of SnacKlub!  Where does the time go?
So, for this year's first SnacKlub, the treat was: Banana Caramel Whoopie Pies.  Here's the link from a fave blog of mine, Annie's Eats.  I have a lot of faves, I know.  These were easy as, well, pie!  I used a different filling.  I whipped together 2 sticks of softened butter, with 12 oz of softened cream cheese.  Then I added, a little at a time, 4 and a half cups of powdered sugar.  Finally, I whipped in Annie's caramel sauce - the half cup she calls for.  Now, when making the caramel sauce (I did it the day before), just watch that sugar.  As soon as it's amber-colored, you should turn off the heat, even if there are little flecks of unmelted sugar.  I'm telling you, if you really stir it until there are no more flecks, you'll burn the sugar, and then your caramel sauce will lose that desired, deep sweetness, and you'll have to make believe you wanted it that way by calling it burnt sugar sauce.  And who wants to make believe?  Get real, and make these.  The sweetness of the banana comes right to the edges of the "cookie" halves and almost crunches on your teeth.  That, mixed with the cream cheese filling - oh my dear, I'm faint with love.

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