Monday, September 26, 2011

Homemade Concord Grape Jelly

In our farm share last week, we got a few bunches of Concord grapes.  They're much smaller than what we're used to getting at the supermarket, but their aroma and taste are spot on Welch's grape jelly.  Ahh, they took me back.  But then . . . I crunched on the seed in there.  That would not do.  No one in the house liked them any more, whether or not they tasted "just like Welch's grape jelly!"  So they sat in their colander on the counter.  Alone.  Untouched.  I was about to just toss the small purple orbs, when I thought - maybe I can make my own grape jelly.  So I plucked each little grape from the stem, tossed all of them in a heavy sauce pan along with a scoop of sugar (maybe 1/3 cup), and turned on the heat.  It bubbled and boiled, and I started mushing the grapes into the liquid with my potato masher, and after only 20 mins or so, things were looking good.  I added about a tblsp of cornstarch, and pushed the hot liquid through a strainer.  Ta da!  My own Concord grape jelly. 

I spread some cream cheese on a graham cracker and topped it off with the jelly, and was instantly transported back to childhood.   Such a treat.  Enjoy!

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